Stratigraphy and sedimentology of a late Pleistocene incised valley fill: a depositional and paleogeographic model for “Cancagua” deposits in north-western Patagonia, Chile

Rodrigo M. Vega, Mauricio Mella, Sven N. Nielsen, Mario Pino


Late Pleistocene sedimentary deposits outcropping around Valdivia city, locally known as Cancagua, have been subject of contrasting interpretations, from glacial to interglacial sediments. Opposing views emerge from focusing on upstream or coastal sedimentary controls, within a zone were these potentially overlap through a full glacial cycle. Here we present the first detailed facies analysis and a broad chronological framework, reconciling previous interpretations in a single paleogeographic model that encompasses the last glacial cycle. Seven facies associations are described, interpreted as an estuarine complex developed primarily during the last glacial cycle’s highstand, yet accumulating sediments during a substantial part of the falling stage. These results offer the opportunity to extend paleoenvironmental records through a full glacial cycle in northern Patagonia.


Late Pleistocene; Cancagua; Volcaniclastic; Facies analysis; Glacial-interglacial cycles; Northpatagonia

How to cite this article Vega, R.; Mella, M.; Nielsen, S.; Pino, M. 2018, Stratigraphy and sedimentology of a late Pleistocene incised valley fill: a depositional and paleogeographic model for “Cancagua” deposits in north-western Patagonia, Chile. Andean Geology 45 (2) : 161-185. [doi:]