Anthropogenic isotope (210Pb, 137Cs) variations in the sedimentary record from a lake in the Nahuelbuta mountain range, Chile.

Marco Cisternas, Alberto Araneda


The activity and distribution of 210Pb and 137Cs through the sedimentary record of a lake, which is located in the Nahuelbuta mountain range, are influenced by anthropic activity. Isotope analyses, X-rays, magnetic susceptibility, pollen and grain size analyses show both erosion rates variations-produced by land use changes within the watershed-and the 137Cs atmospheric inputs have affected on the behavior of those isotopes in the record. The role of some natural variables -as the low ratio of land to ocean in southern latitudes, and the Nahuelbuta mountain range locations are also discussed.

How to cite this article Cisternas, M.; Araneda, A. 2001, Anthropogenic isotope (210Pb, 137Cs) variations in the sedimentary record from a lake in the Nahuelbuta mountain range, Chile.. Revista Geológica de Chile 28 (1) : 105-115. .