Triassic conchostracans from Antofagasta, Atacama and Coquimbo Regions, Chile.

Oscar F. Gallego, Vladimir Covacevich


Conchostracans from different triassic localities of Chile are describes and references to previous studies are made. The fauna comprises: Menucoestheria terneraensis gen. et sp. nov. from La Ternera Formation (Upper Triassic) and 'La Coipa Beds' (Lower Triassic); Menucoestheria puquenensis sp. nov. from the Pichidangui? and Profeta? Formations (Upper Triassic); Liograpta troncosoi sp. nov. from 'La Coipa Beds' (Lower Triassic) and Asmussia? sp. from Profeta? Formation (Upper Triassic). A few remarks on the geographical distribution, biochrons and taxonomic implicances of the describes taxons are made.

How to cite this article Gallego, O.; Covacevich, V. 1998, Triassic conchostracans from Antofagasta, Atacama and Coquimbo Regions, Chile.. Revista Geológica de Chile 25 (2) : 115-139. .